An overview of my previous projects using HTML5, CSS, JS and React.
Currently these projects all originated from the SheCodes Workshops.
Based upon a 5-10 hours/week schedule their courses cover a wide
range of front-end topics and best practices to give a solid basic
understanding to continue building one's skillset.
As not all projects are worked on in the same extend only a few of
the pages build along the way are showcased.
Developed during the SheCodes Plus Workshop this website uses an API to give you real-life data and forecasts for any location. Find your city with the search function or use your current location for convenience. This app was developped from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Whether or not you checking these pages via pc, tablet or mobile the content and experience will be adapted to your screen. Build from the ground up as my final project for the SheCodes Responive Workshop, this multipage website gives a coherent feel and user-experience by keeping it DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). Tools as Flexbox/Grids, CSS Utility Classes, a Responive Navigation and CSS Media Queries made building and adding new pages a breeze.
In the fourth and final SheCodes Workshop the basics of programming with React are learned. Based upon the JS Weather App this version uses components to give the website more structure and adaptability. Just as in the JS version you can find the forecast of any city by using an integrated API. One of the main visual differences is that the visualisations got an upgrade and are now animated.
As a final project for the SheCodes React course I build this dictionary app from scratch using React. By using components which only have one function (Single Responsiblity Principle), a readable and adaptable application is created. Test it out for yourself by clicking the link below.